
History and theory

The dean of the faculty is Mirzayeva Jamila Basharat

The students studying in “History-theory” faculty on specialties of music study, conducting, folk musical instruments, National wind and percussion instruments and Solo singing (singing) learn history of music study, music theory, art and history of conducting, Russian, English languages, etc.

1. In “History and theory of music” chair Specialization, Solfege, Actual problems of national music, The XX century music history, Modern music, The XX century music theory, Dissertation work, Basics of stage movements, Polyphony, Methodology of music study, Special pedagogical training, Teaching methodology of specialization subject, Modern music technology, National opera class, History of foreign music, History of Russian music, History of music, Organization of music works, Harmony, Sound director, Music criticism, Theory of music, Music management , Art management , Basics of the art of actor subjects.

2. In “History and theory of national music” chair – Specialization, Special pedagogical training, Teaching methodology, Ethnomusic study, Music study, Mugham, Basics of Azerbaijan folk music, Organization of folklore samples, Processional oral traditional music of eastern nations, Actual problems of national music, History of art of vocal, Conversion into notes Azerbaijan folk music, History of Azerbaijan music, Founders of Azerbaijan folk music, Study of sources, Music turkoloezy subjects.

3. In “Orchestration and conducting of folk musical instruments” chair- Conducting, Chorus class, Study of musical instruments and symphonic instruments, Teaching methods of specialization, Practical work with chorus and orchestra, Singing practice, Orchestration, Orchestration and transition, Reading sheet music of FMI, Reading symphonic and FMI sheet music, Basics of chorus writing, Arrangement, Study of musical instruments and orchestration, Special pedagogical training, Orchestration of symphonic orchestra instruments, Symphonic orchestra instruments and orchestra, Orchestration of FMI , Dissertation work.

4. In “Social sciences” chair -Azerbaijan language and literature, English and Russian languages, History of Azerbaijan, Poetics, Informatics, Ethics, Aesthetics, History of art, High school pedagogy, Psychology, Sport and physical training, Civil defense subjects are taught.